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Image of Vishal Punwani
Vishal Punwani, Co-founder & CEOOctober 6, 2023

Howdy SoWorkers!

BIG DAY! Check out all the goodies that have dropped for you over the past week... isn't fun being a SoWork team? Gosh, I know, right?

πŸ“ You can now make resizable Meeting Zones in the Mapmaker! Try it out: open Mapmaker (press B), then in the Zones column, select a Resizable Zone, place it, and then you'll be able to modify the size! How cool!

πŸ”‹ We launched the 'Energy Bar', which lets you see how drained your Teammates might be from their daily meetings. Hover over their names in What's Happening! There's a 2-hour capacity on it right now, but we'll let you change that to whatever you like soon. Now you can be thoughtful when pulling folks into meetings, or manage your own energy this way at a glance!

πŸ“± The iOS Mobile App now supports CHAT! Throw that Slack away! DM your Teammates, check Group Channels, reply to threads, or emoji messages while you're on the go.

πŸ—ΊοΈ YOU CAN FINALLY PAN! Hold down the 'control' key, then click and drag to look around your Office.

πŸ–₯️ The Desktop App is better than ever: we fixed 'multiple column' view in the Screenshare pop-out, and mini-mode correctly shows the videos of people who start calls with you.

πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅/πŸ‡§πŸ‡· We improved the translation of Japanese and Portuguese in the app :)

Wow, that's a bunch isn't it! You are very welcome. As you know, you can and should reach out for anything you need. You've got my email!

Yours in Great Work,

CEO, SoWork

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