Emma Giles, Co-Founder September 20, 2023

How SoWork Improved Microsoft's Turnover

The Problem

Distributed and completely disconnected from each other.

This is how Alice Ferng, Director of Innovation & Technology at Microsoft, used to describe her team.

Spread out across 4 countries and 5 timezones, teammates were isolated from each other day-to-day. Employees struggled with feelings of isolation and disconnection. Despite regular video calls and collaborative tools, something was missing.

This disconnection from their teammates and company culture resulted in a damaged team morale and job satisfaction. Alice found that not being able to easily have a casual chat with teammates hindered effective communication and collaboration. The lack of meaningful connections created challenges with her team’s engagement and retention. Turnover rates were on the rise.

We realized our team’s engagement was suffering without the time we used to spend together working from a shared place.

Everyone felt isolated when we lost those impromptu hallway conversations, and the ability to be a part of what’s happening with your teammates day-to-day.

To get back to being a real team again, we needed a solution to that, but the remote version.

The team had first tried to use their company’s flagship offering, Microsoft Teams.

"We have a bunch of creative solutions we've come up with over time in Teams," said Alice.

They wanted to solve their team connection issues, and bridge the gap between remote work and the vibrant, collaborative atmosphere of an in-person office. But Teams wasn’t creating the cohesive environment they were searching for.

They wanted to stay remote, but needed a solution to their fragmented culture and lack of time together. From there, Alice went on a mission to find a virtual office that prioritized human connections.

The Solution

After researching various options, they chose SoWork.

They loved the realistic look and feel of the avatars that allowed teammates to express themselves.

SoWork also gives them the ability to completely customize their Office to suit their culture. Alice noticed SoWork’s impact right away.

She was delighted to discover their new Office was easy to adjust to and navigate, and it truly felt like being in the same place, together.

They could see each other, work beside each other, walk up to have quick, informal syncs, and bond over quick games between meetings. Microsoft was finally able to come together, interact, and build relationships in real-time.

It’s been awesome for people to create avatars that really resonate with them, personalize areas, and get work done together.

It feels like we have our own place again, and everyone really feels like they belong here.

How Microsoft Uses SoWork

SoWork revolutionized the remote work experience for Microsoft.

Alice and her team sit beside each other in their Virtual HQ daily. They use it for full-team meetings, standups, 1:1s, team socials, and breaks.

They love being able to see each other working, and easily view someone’s status and availability. This way, they know when someone is doing work that requires deep focus, or if they’re out running an errand or around for a quick chat.

They can see who’s in the Office, and what meetings are currently happening at a glance. Even better, they can join the meeting in one quick click, making for easy collaboration.

SoWork Benefits

Stronger Team Connections

Alice doesn’t hesitate to tell us what her teammates enjoy the most about SoWork: "people love Mapmaker and the spontaneous video meetings that are similar to an impromptu hallway meeting, where you can just 'bump' into someone casually," she says.

Whether it was bumping into a colleague in the hallway or striking up a conversation in the break room, employees found opportunities for communication and connection, heavily impacting her team’s morale, togetherness, and culture.

Alice’s team felt closer and less isolated. The ability to have quick, casual chats strengthened relationships and reduced turnover rates.

Seamless Collaboration

SoWork offices are fully customizable, with social spaces fostering a sense of camaraderie among team members.

This buzzing environment has major benefits to team productivity too. Teammates are able to see who’s in the room, create and fully customize their own desks/work areas (that are completely tailored to their preferences and workflow), and use whiteboards and other collaborative tools together.

As a result, collaboration and teamwork skyrocketed. SoWork paved the way for higher levels of productivity and innovation within her team.


SoWork helps our team feel more connected. It truly brings the joy of conversations back.

SoWork’s contribution to reducing turnover transformed the remote work experience Microsoft. Stronger connections were built, and a sense of belonging was zapped back into their workforce.

By prioritizing human interactions and embracing the spontaneity of in-person office dynamics, Alice and her team felt closer together than ever, ready for any challenge that comes next.

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