
SoWork Help Center

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From First Steps to Teammate Role Management. Find help for everything!

Getting Started

Welcome to SoWork! Start off on the right foot by learning some basics.


Lost in the Virtual Jungle? Check the SoWork Troubleshooting Survival Guide!

Office Access

The Admin Adventure: A Useful Guide to SoWork Mastery!


Become your Office's Personal Da Vinci by Transforming the Space Into the Next Masterpiece


Dollars, Deals, and Digital Delights: Managing Subscriptions Like a Real Finance Wizard.

Office Tools

Navigating Tools and Shortcuts: SoWork's Path to Running Efficient Teams!

Meeting Tools

Mastering Meetings: Our Guide to Optimal Collaboration!

Mobile App

SoWork On-the-Go: Navigating the App With Confidence

Can't find what you're looking for?

Contact Support

Get a demo, discuss pricing and talk about onboarding your team.

or...Drop by our Office

Don't be shy! We don't bite! (we promise)


What type of support do you offer on the Premium tier?

Anything your team needs. Our founders run a live chat, you have access to them via in-app direct messages, they do demos, come to your own office to help, and more.

How do I upgrade my plan to Premium after the trial?